هل الكوارتز أغلى من الجرانيت؟

هل الكوارتز أغلى من الجرانيت؟

18 Sep 2023
  Granite and quartz are popular choices for kitchen and bath countertops. Both materials are very durable and enhance interior designs and functionality, but which one costs less? Generally, quartz is less expensive than granite, but many factors influence the total price of a project. In this article, we’ll look at the differences between natural granite stone and engineered quartz stone and the factors that affect pricing so you can determine which material is best for your design project.  

  مروهو منتج حجري هندسي يستخدم لتحسين الأسطح الداخلية. الجرانيت هو حجر طبيعي يتم استخراجه من الأرض ويستخدم لإنشاء أسطح العمل والأسطح الأخرى. كلتا المادتين متينتان بشكل لا يصدق ويمكنهما تحمل البلى اليومي في البيئات المزدحمة مثل المطابخ والحمامات. الكوارتز مادة غير مسامية تقاوم البقع والرطوبة والعفن والبكتيريا من اختراق السطح. يتطلب الجرانيت ختما منتظما وروتينيا لإنشاء سطح صحي. دعونا نلقي نظرة على هذه المواد عن كثب ، بما في ذلك التكاليف المرتبطة بكل منها ، لمعرفة أيها يضيف أكبر قيمة.
Is Quartz More Expensive Than Granite?
5007 Delicato Crema 
  Quartz, sometimes called engineered stone, is a manufactured material that uses crushed quartz minerals, resins, and pigments to create a product that offers all the beauty of natural stone with added performance benefits and fewer maintenance requirements. Quartz is one of the earth’s strongest and most abundant materials, and its inherent properties make quartz countertops extremely durable.

  The quartz manufacturing process allows companies, including LX Hausys, to create innovative designs and colors that can’t be found in granite. The manufacturing process creates a nonporous surface that offers natural hygienic properties, creating a clean surface ideal for kitchen food prep and busy bathroom routines. Unlike granite, quartz does not require sealing, minimizing maintenance costs and demands.

  جرانيت is a naturally occurring stone mined from quarries and cut, polished, and fabricated into slabs. For years, granite was the go-to choice for residential countertops, but advances in quartz production have made quartz the most popular and top-rated countertop material. Granite offers a natural look with each slab having unique colors and patterns. As a natural stone, granite is durable and beautiful, making it an excellent material for various applications, including countertops, vanities, sculptures, and more. Granite resists scratches, chipping, and chemical stains. However, granite countertops are naturally porous and require regular, annual sealing to protect the surface from mold, germs, and moisture accumulation beneath the surface.
Is Quartz More Expensive Than Granite?
Granite countertops
  أيهما أغلى ، الكوارتز أم الجرانيت؟

  Both quartz and granite maintain their value for many years to come, and the materials cost approximately the same, with quartz being slightly less expensive. However, luxurious quartz products can be as expensive as granite slabs.

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